Monday, May 21, 2012

Calling all Cars

POSTPOSTSCRIPT: Dear folks, I've decided against actually taking this down. I've made some substantial changes to the format and layout as well as the content of the Adventurer's Guide and in the coming weeks I'll post a later version for review.

Today, for the space of two weeks, I am making available a text-only version of the Adventurer's Guide to Arunë. The purpose of this is not to distribute a finished product, but rather to garner information from you, my audience, about what you'd like to see in the Guide, whether or not its interesting to you, and how it can be made more so.

I started working on it a few months ago with the intention of making a digest for players to read that would be easy to get them into the setting and give them some basic information about the world of Arunë, specifically the northerly regions known as Atva-Arunë that are more-or-less the play zone of the setting so far. While Suda-Arunë and Arunë-Oriens may be yet to come, they are not at a design stage where I could bring my own players there, let alone advise people that would have no recourse to my notes to run those regions.

Anyhow: I beg of you, download the Adventurer's Guide and peruse it for flaws. Tell me if it is too dry (I've heard that comment before and I'm still thinking on how to solve it). Tell me if it is too dull, or too silly. Tell me if it doesn't contain enough information! Don't tell me that it doesn't have art, I know that; Danny and Steve are both working very hard on providing enough art to fill its covers.

Email me at, simply write a post here, write on my Facebook wall, send me a message on Obsidian Portal... whatever gets the job done to let me know your suggestions.

Thank you, all. The download link is here. I apologize that it's rapidshare, but it's the best I can do at this juncture.

EDIT: I've heard rumor that the download link isn't working. I'm trying desperately to fix that even as we speak.

POSTSCRIPT: Here is a second link, from mediafire.

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